I am Cheikhna Diouf

Ai Engineer Game Designer AWS DevOps Tech Lead IT consultant Project manager Software developer Frontend Expert UI designer Data modeler Graphic designer Technical writer Books and Softwares author Technical speaker Fullstack developer

About Me

Hi There

Tech lead, IT consultant (data modeling, software development, computer graphics and UI design, frontend expertisis). Emerging author and funder of Easyguide.tech. Technical writer, speaker , books and softwares author.

Cheikhna Diouf
+33 (0)7 55 20 21 70
My startup:
My technologies:
My artworks:

Contact Me Contact Me

My Skills

Tech lead, IT consultant and Frontend Expert

Full stack development, Data modeling, computer graphics and UI design.

Languages: Javascript, Typescript, Java, Python, C++, etc.

Technical writer, speaker , books and softwares author.

Emerging author and funder of Easyguide.tech.

Contact Me
Application Development
UI design
Data modeling
Technical writing

My Experiences

Years Experience
Programming languages

My Startup: EasyGuide tech
A new kind of technical documentation

My Web Apps

EasyGuide Angular boilerplate
(Angular and Bootstrap)


Demo Live: http://demo.cheikhnadiouf.com

                * Bootstrap 4, Font awesome, Ngx-bootstrap interactions and adaptive sidebar navigation
* Alert message notifications by Subject subscription service
* JWT authentication and roles authorization
* Content management (Query and CRUD operations)
* Remote resource requests and Fake Backend with json mocks
* Unit and E2E test code samples(with jasmine)
* BDD tests code samples(with Cucumber and puppeter)
* Docs generation (with Compodoc)
* Communication patterns (Data binding, Event binding, Service subscription binding, NGRX (see "units" or "events" modules))
* Data visualization with D3.js (see "events" module)
* Shopping orders (Experimental)

My Web Apis

EasyGuide Nodejs boilerplate
(NestJs and BDD)


                | Method      | Endpoint                    |
| **Default**                               |
| GET         | /                           |
| GET         | /docs                       |
| GET         | /ping                       |
| **Backend fake third app**                |
| GET         | /units                      |
| POST        | /units                      |
| GET         | /units/{id}                 |
| PATCH       | /units/{id}                 |
| PUT         | /units/{id}                 |
| DELETE      | /units/{id}                 |
| **Front fake third app** |                |
| GET         | /front/assets/{imgId}       |
| GET         | /front/units/new            |
| GET         | /front/units/{id}/edit      |
| POST        | /front/units/{id}/update    |
| GET         | /front/units/{id}/delete    |
| GET         | /front/units/{id}           |
| GET         | /front/units                |
| POST        | /front/units                |
| GET         | /front/login                |
| POST        | /front/login                |
| GET         | /front/register             |
| POST        | /front/register             |
| GET         | /front/success              |
| GET         | /front/failed               |
| GET         | /front                      |

My Softwares: Python/Qt

My software: EasyTech IDE
Experimental: Complete code editor including my language EasyMarkup

My Video Game: QuickStart Course
First Playable Prototype: Custom game elearning for self-learning and rapid training.

My software: Systemaker Editor
Experimental: Custom document editor

My software: Easylab
Experimental: Custom playground for rapid prototyping

My Graphics: CG Portfolio

2D, 3D, Motions, Visual effects, Sketching arts, logo, visual identity, UI design, etc.

Go on Behance.net/cheikhnadiouf Click to explore my CG portfolio

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